Dale Hawkins’ Bio

I am a Conservative Christian husband and father of six, my wife and I married in Nevada in 1986 where we lived. In 1988 we moved to Utah to be part of a Ministry working with people with drug and alcohol problems, where we had our first two children. After four and a half years we moved back to Nevada where we continued both growing our family and working in Ministry. Most of this time we owned a landscaping and irrigation business for new homes. In 1996 we began looking for a community more in line with our desires for our growing family, homeschooling laws, political views, and quieter more peaceful lifestyle.

We settled in Fernwood, Idaho in April of 1998 after securing a job at Emerald Creek Garnet Mining Company. With our five kids and one on the way, we settled into our new Idaho life. During this time I also worked in the logging industry. In 2006 we went back to being self-employed and owned and operated HFP construction until late 2016 when I was forced to retire. Not able to sit still, I continue to help my wife run HFP, at a much scaled-down version. I also have a small gun store and teach the Idaho enhanced concealed carry class. I am an NRA-certified instructor.

In 2008 I was elected to the local water sewer board in Fernwood. In the four years there I continually fought against unfunded mandates even pushing back and defeating a 4.3 million dollar engineer pushed project reducing it by three million dollars.

In 2014 I was elected precinct committeeman for Benewah County, Santa Precinct. After 2 years, I was re-elected and elected Vice-Chair. The last four years I have served as the Chairman where I have continued to promote true Conservative Republican values and the Republican Party platform of Idaho. I have served as a delegate for the State Convention and I have served on the Resolutions Committee for the Party’s Winter and Summer Meetings.

As well as my service as Precinct committeeman and chairman I have worked to promote qualified candidates for local offices, including fundraising, door knocking, putting out signs holding town halls and candidate forums.

I have never voted for a Democrat or any other candidate outside the Republican Party. I will admit I have abstained from voting for some candidates because they did not hold to our Republican values or our platform.

The Idaho Republican Party platform best suits the principles that I live to uphold, yet I do wish there was a mechanism to remove from the Party those who have pretended during the election cycle to be true Republicans, only to find out they are not.